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This 90-day intensive mastermind is designed to give you the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts you need to unleash your true potential, and become the powerhouse entrepreneur you've always aspired to be.


We'll dive deep into every aspect of your business, from content creation and marketing to client attraction and brand building. Through weekly coaching sessions, hands-on workshops, and personalized feedback, you'll gain the clarity and confidence to make bold moves and achieve remarkable results.

Here's a taste of what you can expect from Iconic:

Unleash your inner ICON

Imagine scaling your business from the 100K mark to half a million with less stress, more confidence, and an online presence so magnetic, you're irresistible to your ideal clients. 


This isn't just a dream—it's your new reality. 


Welcome to ICONIC.


Stuck at the 100k plateau? 


Dreaming of rocketing your business to 250-500k but just can't seem to find the secret sauce? 


I hear you, babe. 


You're yearning to be bolder, to serve more people, and to become the IT girl in your niche. 


But let's face it, content creation feels like scaling Mount Everest and you're just not sure how to dial up the volume on your world-changing message.


You're far from alone. 


Tons of kickass entrepreneurs just like you are wrestling with the same challenges. 


You're hustling hard but feel like you should be further along. 


You're spending way too much time on your phone or computer trying to wring out inspiration, forcing yourself to show up online when you'd rather be doing, well, anything else. 


You've tried everything: hired copywriters, content coaches, even shelled out for a social media prompt list (whatever that is), and still nothing.


Watching others in your field sell out their offers without even breaking a sweat, you're left wondering, "What the hell am I missing?"


Well, guess what? You're about to find out.


Welcome to ICONIC, your 90-day intensive mastermind ticket to smashing through that 100k glass ceiling.


Designed to turn you into the Confident, Unstoppable CEO of your dreams, this program offers a fool-proof, easy-to-implement plan that fits you like your favorite pair of jeans. 


With ICONIC, you're not just joining an experience, you're becoming the Go-To Gal in your niche—the magnetic powerhouse who everyone wants to work with and invite onto their podcasts and events. 


You'll learn how to create content that radiates your brilliance, attracts more clients, makes more money, and builds a brand so recognizable it's practically synonymous with 'impact'.


So, what are you waiting for? 

Unleash Your Magnetic Presence: 


We'll work on transforming your online presence into a magnet that effortlessly attracts your ideal clients. You'll learn how to create captivating content that showcases your brilliance, establishes you as an authority in your niche, and leaves a lasting impact.


Break Through Barriers: 


It's time to shatter the glass ceiling that's been holding you back. We'll tackle the limiting beliefs, fears, and mindset blocks that have been preventing you from reaching your full potential. Get ready to step into your power and become the confident, unstoppable CEO of your dreams.


Create Your Fool-Proof Plan: 


Say goodbye to overwhelm and uncertainty. With our easy-to-implement, customized plan, you'll have a clear roadmap to follow. We'll help you identify your key strategies, set achievable goals, and take focused action steps that align with your vision.


Amplify Your Influence: 


It's not just about building a successful business; it's about leaving a lasting impact and becoming a recognized authority in your industry. We'll show you how to leverage your expertise to secure speaking opportunities, be featured on podcasts, and position yourself as the go-to gal in your niche.


Connect and Collaborate: 


Surround yourself with a community of like-minded, ambitious entrepreneurs who will uplift and inspire you. Collaborate, share insights, and forge valuable connections that can lead to exciting joint ventures and partnerships.


ICONIC is more than just a 1:1 + Mastermind Hybrid!


It's a life-changing journey that will empower you to reach new heights in your business. 


Get ready to step up, claim your seat at the table, and unleash your inner ICON.

5 Things That Make ICONIC Different

1. Customized Business Strategy, Not Cookie-Cutter Advice: 


Look, I get it. Your business isn't a clone, and neither are you. That's why ICONIC isn't about rehashing one-size-fits-all strategies. I'm here to dive deep into your business, understand what makes it tick, and work with you to create a bespoke strategy designed to scale your business like never before.


2. Results That Make You Do a Double-Take: 


We're not just talking about a modest bump in your earnings here. I'm talking about some serious, champagne-popping, celebratory dance party kind of results. Just like the clients who saw their monthly revenue skyrocket from $10k to $50k in just 90 days, or the ones who went from 2 to 10 clients in a blink, or the badass who bagged her first ever 5-figure month, you're in for a ride that will make your business goals a living, breathing reality.


3. Content Creation That's a Breeze and a Magnet: 


If content creation feels like trying to get a cat into a bath, you're not alone. But guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. I'm going to share with you the secrets to creating content that not only feels as natural as breathing but also acts like a magnet to your ideal clients.


4. Community That Feels Like Coming Home: 


Forget about feeling like you're shouting into the void. ICONIC is a community of high-achieving, driven, like-minded women who are all on the same journey to greatness. Here, you'll always have a space to share your wins, ask your questions, and feel seen and supported.


5. Confidence That Opens Doors:


 If you're going to be the IT girl of your niche, you need to own it, sister. And that starts with building rock-solid confidence in yourself and your business. Through ICONIC, I'll guide you to step into your power, own your brilliance, and show up in a way that's so radiant, you'll have clients, podcasts, and speaking opportunities clamoring for your attention.

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Unleash Your Inner ICON: 

A Promise of Transformation and Joy


ICONIC promises a whole-life revolution that will have you breaking free from the limitations holding you back. You'll find the confidence and strategy you need to take bold steps forward and skyrocket your revenue, becoming the "IT" girl of your industry.


More than that, we're all about finding the joy in the journey. 


No more feeling stressed, stretched thin, or second-guessing yourself. 


You'll be stepping into a space that celebrates your brilliance, uplifts your spirit, and fuels your passion for your business.


If you're ready to level up, Iconic is your pathway to the top!

Embrace the ICONIC Life: 
An Experience That Uplifts and Ignites


Now, let's talk about what you'll actually be doing on this 90-day adventure.

First, let's make it clear: this is a hands-on, sleeves-up, heart-on-the-line kind of deal. You'll be diving deep into weekly group coaching calls where Brittany will be right there with you, cheering you on, pushing you when you need it, and dropping some serious knowledge bombs.


We'll have hot seats, critiques, strategy sessions – the whole shebang. Plus, our private, members-only Slack Channel is a buzzing hive of activity, support, and inspiration where you can connect with other ICONs just like you.



The Investment


Take a 4-Figure Leap toward Your 6-Figure Empire!


Full Payment


Pay in Full for the complete ICONIC program. 

Get instant access to all resources and sessions.


Investment: US$7,500


Payment Plan Option


Pay for ICONIC program in 3 easy installments. Get instant access to all resources and sessions.


Investment: 3 payments of US$2,550

Step into Your ICONIC Journey

​Step into Your ICONIC Journey

Want 3-months of life-changing coaching + workshops + a wealth of razzle and dazzle resources that will make your business and your bank balance sparkle?


Let's unzip your ICONIC suitcase and take a look inside:


 - Tailored Strategy & Support


Your ICONIC experience kicks off with a 2-hour, 1-on-1 strategy planning session. You and I will dig deep into your goals and map out exactly how to make them a reality. And to keep the momentum going, you'll get two additional 1-hour sessions—one per month.


 - Weekly Group Coaching


Every week, we're diving into a 90-minute group coaching session on Zoom. We'll tackle new topics designed to send your business skyrocketing, and you'll have a chance to ask all your burning questions.


- Your ICONIC Toolkit


You'll receive a workbook/journal to keep your mindset razor-sharp and your strategy on point. Plus, all our private calls will be recorded, so you can revisit every nugget of wisdom whenever you need a boost.


 - The ICONIC Community


You'll be added to a group Slack channel alongside other ICONIC members. This is your go-to spot for feedback, for getting my eyes on your projects, and for weekday coaching.


 - Special Bonus: PR that's Worthy of a Queen


Because I believe in going the extra mile, you're getting a feature in a press release about ICONIC and 4 articles by Shannon Rose of HER Media!


Oh, and let's not forget the cherry on top:

You'll get access to my membership!

The $10k Formula Inner Circle

Here's the lowdown from some of our ICON alumni

"The Real Deal: From Workbooks to Workshops, ICONIC's a Game Changer"


"ICONIC is a unique opportunity that had me stumped at first. I was used to pouring my heart into workbooks that were never seen again, never receiving any feedback. I had settled for coaching programs costing thousands, with ZERO 1:1 time with the coach, ZERO access to the coach outside of hour-long workshops or group coaching sessions.


But Brittany? She's the real deal—a true mentor and leader. I have nothing but respect and admiration for what she's doing in ICONIC."


~Kelly, medically disabled author, speaker and artist

"Revamp, Reboot, Results: An ICONIC Transformation Journey"


"I started my business last September with all these program ideas and offers. But something just wasn’t connecting with my audience. I knew I needed to make a change.


Yes, content was an issue, but so was visibility. To increase my sales, I needed killer content and people to see it. When I saw Brittany included a collaboration with Shannon to release 4 articles about me and my business, signing up for ICONIC was a no-brainer.


The support has been tangible and quick. Brittany doesn’t just set aside a 2-hour window to answer client messages; she’s accessible and knowledgeable. The community we gain is invaluable. I loved meeting all the different women of the group and felt really safe to share and grow within the community.


Now, I feel like I know what I'm doing! I have guidelines for creating valuable content, fostering engagement and visibility for my audience. It’s about making sure your content is seen, and I feel like I’m leaving with a knowledge of how to create traction for my offers and how to sell them."


~Veronique, Astrology-based business coach

"Your Content + Brittany's Magic Touch: A Love Story"


"I came to ICONIC because I wanted a comprehensive content plan. Brittany has a gift for taking your ideas and turning them into relatable stories for content. She's a brilliant collaborator, leading with love and creativity."


~Estelle, Style consultant for professional women

"Finding My True North: The ICONIC Magic"

"I have had a vision of launching a business for the past several years, and when I decided to go for it this year, I knew I needed some support with the content/marketing/sales side. I've always been pretty good at writing and sharing my thoughts, insights, and advice, but the conversion rate was never what I hoped with prior business endeavors. I remembered Brittany from several years prior, totally out of the blue, and decided to look her up on socials. Everything I was seeing looked like exactly what I needed, so I signed up for the membership. When the opportunity to join ICONIC was presented to me, I jumped at the chance to have that level of direct access to her as a coach in Slack and the potential to dramatically expand my reach through the earned PR that is included. The ICONIC container has been amazing and I've gotten to sit next to some other incredible female entrepreneurs. I've learned a lot and made big strides already in the early stages of my business launch. Admittedly that had been a roadblock for my "yes" initially because I felt like I should be further along before trying to expand. I am so glad Brittany helped remind me that I get to choose the rooms that I belong in and I got over that resistance. I don't think I would have come half as far without this mastermind. I met the woman that is now designing my business branding, I developed a ton of new content, and I gained so much clarity on the direction I want to take. With the upcoming features in publications that I am about to receive from the container, I can't wait to see where it all leads!"


~Jessica, ADHD and Trauma Coach


When you're ready for 6+ figures without the burnout... I'm your gal!

Hey, Gorgeous! I'm Brittany Budd, your new business and mindset coach and your biggest cheerleader. I'm all about empowering badass women like you to kick ass in business and pull in 6+ figures from the comfort of your couch, without burning yourself out.


From Wall Street to online businesses, I've walked the walk. I've hustled hard, managed millions in client assets, and turned ideas into viral campaigns. 


I’ve danced with big numbers and won! 


Now, I’m here to show you how to do the same.


But let’s get real here. I’m not just a business guru who's hell-bent on helping you succeed in your biz. I'm also a proud mama of three beautiful children with two sweet angels smiling down from heaven. Life’s thrown me some serious curveballs, like the gut-wrenching pain of losing a child - twice. 


But you know what? 


I've come out stronger and more committed to my purpose – empowering women like you.


Are you ready to step into your power, make some serious cash, and still have time for the things you love? 


Are you fed up with fears of failure, rejection, and judgment holding you back? 


Then, babe, you're in the right place… Let's do this together!

Ready to Soar to Iconic Heights? 
Take the Leap Today!


You've come this far, beautiful. 


You've read the testimonials, you've seen what's on offer. You know this program has the power to help you make that 6+ figure income you've been dreaming of. 


So, what's stopping you?


Taking the leap might feel daunting. But remember: every success story begins with a decision to take the leap. If you're ready to put in the work – to transform your business and your life – then I'm ready to be your co-pilot and cheerleader on this amazing journey.


Don't let fear of the unknown hold you back from reaching for the stars. 


If you're ready to become ICONIC, then it's time to make your move. 


Click the button below, and let's do this!

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